Tale Kalachi's homepage


herve tale kalachi
I am currently a lecturer in the Department of Computer Engineering, at the National Advanced school of Engineering - Yaounde, University of Yaounde 1. Before I was a post-doctoral researcher at Inria in the ARIC team at ENS de Lyon, involved in the RISQ project and working with Prof. Damien Stehlé on lattice-based cryptography. I did my PhD in the teams C & A (Université de Rouen-Normandie) and ERAL (University of Yaounde 1), under the supervision of Prof. Ayoub Otmani and Prof. Selestin Ndjeya.


Phone: +237 6 95 38 17 50
e-mail: herve [dot] tale [at] univ [dash] yaounde1 [dot] cm


1st floor
Department of Computer Engineering.

Mailing address

Hervé Talé Kalachi
BP 3614 Yaounde-Messa
Yaounde, Cameroon